Department: English
Description: A student electing the thesis option must take from four to six hours of 499. While registration beyond six hours may be permitted for the convenience of the student, they may not count more than a total of six hours of 499 among the hours required for the master's degree. Multiple enrollments allowed up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.
Credit Hours: 1 - 6
Graduate Level Course: This course is approved for graduate credit
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Ela Przybylo
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Katherine Ellison
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Gabriel Gudding
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Brian Rejack
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Kristina Lewis
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Joyce Walker
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Angela Haas
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Maggie Morris Davis
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 01/13/2025 - 05/03/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: Danielle Lillge
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.
Dates: 08/18/2025 - 12/06/2025
Location: To be determined
Instructor: To be announced
Textbooks have not been finalized for section.